Hooks have grown into a fundamental part of building React apps since their introduction in late 2018.
Aside from the fundamental React hooks like useState
and useEffect
, the speed and convenience that hooks like useSWR, useQueryParams, and useLocalStorage bring to app development is hard to give up once you’ve had a taste.
If you’re working on an older React project that still uses some (or many) class-based components, chances are you’ve skipped over using a neat third-party hook because it was too much of a hassle to use it with class components.
To use that fancy new hook in your class component, you have a few options:
🐸 Rewrite your class component as a function component
If your component is small enough, it might be wise to simply refactor it as a functional component and save yourself a good deal of pain down the road.
Here’s a great guide to doing just that
But of course, this doesn’t work for everyone.
🎁 Wrap a hook in a Higher-Order Component
If all you need is a one-off solution and it isn’t worth refactoring your entire component, you can create a higher-order component (HOC) wrapper for the specific hook you want to use.
⚠️ This approach involves creating a separate HOC wrapper for each hook that you want to use in a class component. If this works for you, great! Otherwise, the next method might be a better alternative.
This will work differently depending on whether your hook expects any parameters.
Hook without parameters
Consider the following hook that doesn’t expect any parameters:
// The hook's return signature
interface IMonkey {
monkey: string
toggle: () => void
// Hook that takes no parameters
const useMonkey = (): IMonkey => {
const [monkey, setMonkey] = useState(false)
return {
monkey: monkeySee ? "🐵" : "🙈",
toggle: () => setMonkey(!monkey)
You can create a Higher-Order Component wrapper around the hook that looks something like:
const withMonkey = <P extends IMonkey>(
Component: React.ComponentType<P>
) => {
const Wrapper: React.FunctionComponent<
Subtract<P, IMonkey>
> = (props) => {
const { monkey, toggle } = useMonkey()
return <Component
{...(props as P)}
return Wrapper
Note that the
type used here comes from the excellentutility-types
And then use it inside any of your class components:
// Tell TypeScript that your component's props include the values injected by your HOC
interface Props extends IMonkey {
// Your class component
class Monkey extends React.Component<Props> {
render() {
return (
<button onClick={this.props.toggle}>Toggle</button>
// Wrap your component with the HOC
export withMonkey(Monkey)
Hook with parameters
If your hook does require some parameters, creating the wrapper is a more involved but still perfectly doable:
// Parameters that the hook expects
interface HookParams {
initialState?: boolean
// The hook's return signature
interface IMonkey {
monkey: string
toggle: () => void
// Hook with parameters
const useMonkey = (params: HookParams): IMonkey => {
const { initialState } = params
const [monkey, setMonkey] = useState(initialState)
// ...
// HOC that accepts parameters for the hook
export const withMonkey = (params?: HookParams) => {
return <P extends IMonkey>(Component: React.ComponentType<P>) => {
const Wrapper: React.FC<Subtract<P, IMonkey>> = (componentProps) => {
const {monkey, toggle} = useMonkey (params)
return (
<Component{...generationAPIHookResult} {...(componentProps as P)}/>
return Wrapper
interface Props extends IMonkey{
class Monkey extends React.Component<Props> {
// ...
// Wrap your component in the HOC, while passing parameters to the hook inside.
export withMonkey({initialState: false})(Monkey)
✨ Turn any hook into a Higher-Order Component
We can go a step further by generalising the HOC wrapper approach to any hook that takes no parameters.
If your hook takes any parameters, this code won’t play well with TypeScript. Check out
if you don’t care too much about satisfying the type checker.
type HookWithoutParams<R> = () => R
type PropInjectorHOC<T extends object> = <InjectedProps extends T>(
Component: React.ComponentType<InjectedProps>
) => React.FunctionComponent<Subtract<InjectedProps, T>>
export const makePropInjectorHOCFromHook = <HookResult extends object>(
hook: HookWithoutParams<HookResult>
): PropInjectorHOC<HookResult> => {
return <Props extends HookResult>(Component: React.ComponentType<Props>) => {
const WrapperComponent: React.FunctionComponent<
Subtract<Props, HookResult>
> = (props) => {
const hookResult = hook()
return <Component {...hookResult} {...(props as Props)} />
WrapperComponent.displayName = `withInjectedProps(${
Component.displayName || Component.name
return WrapperComponent
You can use this function to create a HOC, and then use that HOC to wrap your component:
// Hook that takes no parameters
const useMonkey = (): IMonkey => {
// ...
// Create a HOC from the hook
const withMonkey = makePropInjectorHOCFromHook(useMonkey)
// Wrap your class component with the HOC
interface Props extends IMonkey{
class Monkey extends React.Component<Props> {
// ...
export withMonkey(Monkey)
💡 Next steps
The generalized approach works pretty well for hooks that don’t have any parameters, but extending it to hooks with parameters turned out to be a bigger challenge than I had the time for.
It’s easy enough to implement in JavaScript, but typing the function - generics and all - is a lot trickier.
Further Reading
React Higher-Order Components in TypeScript: This article does a great job of explaining the various kinds of HOCs and the TypeScripts subtleties that go along with them.
hocify if you just want to use hooks in your class components without worrying too much about perfect TypeScript compatibility.